
News Release

母校中山大学将派由校长黄达人率领的代表团和由副校长李萍率领的校友访问团访问美国,并将于五月二十八日汇集纽约,探望校友。国立中山大学美东校友会和中山医美东校友会将联合举行盛大晚宴,欢迎母校代表团的到来。敬请所有中大新老校友, 包括广州和高雄中山大学的各位校友, 及中山医科大学各位校友踊跃参加。请有意参加的校友联络中大校友会会长梁左棕(718-234-7233),副会长周秉流(212-925-2609)或秘书梁平(201-747-3848),或中山医校友会会长雷尚斌(212-219-2232),会长周海峰(201-982-4089)或副会长朱子超(718-373-2698),以便安排。详情请查询中大校友会网站http://sysuaa.org 或中山医校友会网站http://sysoa.org

时间: 五月二十八日星期六晚六时
地点: 华埠包厘街50-52号金桥大酒楼(原银宫酒楼)
交通:乘地铁至Cannel Street或Grand Street站









D.R. Huang: Mr. Daren Huang黄达人, President, Professor in Mathematics, esp. in theory of linear and non-linear approximation and optimal quadrature formula

N.S. Xu: Mr. Ningsheng Xu许宁生, Vice-President for overseas affairs, Professor and PhD. research interests in Nano-materials, Field Electron Emission, Flat Panel Displays, High Voltage Vacuum Insulation, Vacuum Microelectronics and Vacuum Nano-electronics

G.M. Yan: Mr. Guangmei Yan颜光美, Vice-President for Scientific Research, Professor and PhD. research interests in Pharmacology

A.L. Xu: Mr. Anlong Xu徐安龙, Dean of the School of Life Sciences, Professor and PhD. in biomedical research, esp. in molecule biology and functional genomics

S.Y. Li: Mr. Shiyu Li李适宇, Dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Professor and PhD in environmental engineering, esp. in water environmental modeling and management and environmental risk assessment

Z. Yu: Mr. Zhi Yu余志, Dean of the School of Engineering, Professor, research interests in Intelligent Transportation System, Renewable Energy, and Digital Technology for Public Security

M. Huang: Mr. Min Huang黄民, Deputy Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor and PhD. in pharmacology, esp. in drug metabolism

Y.X. Zeng: Mr. Yi-Xin Zeng曾益新, Director of the Cancer Center, PhD., M.D. research interests in cancer biology and biotherapy, esp. for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

P.Z. Yang: Mr. Peizeng Yang杨培增, Deputy Director of Sun Yat-sen Ophthalmic Center, Professor and PhD in Ophthalmology, esp. in uveitis.

X.Q. YU: Mr. Xueqing YU余学清, PhD., M.D., Deputy Director of the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University. Professor of Medicine, esp. in kidney diseases.

G. Li: Mr. Gang Li李刚, Deputy Dean of the Third Affiliated Hospital, Professor, PhD., MD. in infectious diseases, esp. in hepatitis, dengue fever and SARS.

D.Z. Yang: Dr. Dong Zi Yang杨冬梓, Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics, research interests in reproductive medicine and reproductive health.

Z.T. Yu: Ms. Zhantao Yu余展涛, Section Chief of the International Programs, Office of International Cooperation and Exchange.


P. Li: Ms. Ping Li李萍, Vice President for Personnel,Alumni Affairs and Publicity, Executive Vice President of Alumni Association, Professor and PhD, research interests in philosophy and ethnics

B. H. Zhu: Mr. Bingheng Zhu朱秉衡, Vice President of Alumni Association, Vice Chairman of the Administrative Committee of Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development District

D.L. Xu: Ms. Dongli Xu许东黎, Secretary-general of Alumni Association, Director of Alumni Affairs Office

H.Y. Zhang: Ms. Haiyan Zhang张海燕, Deputy Secretary-general of Alumni Association, Deputy Director of Alumni Affairs Office, Twenty years’ work experience in Students Affairs Office of the former Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Science.

J. Chen: Mr. Jin Chen陈谨, Vice General Manager of Guangzhou Get Holding Corporation Ltd.

Y. Huang: Mr. Yi Huang黄毅, Secretary of the News Centre of Sun Yat-sen University



Dear friends,

I would like to invite you to participate in our meeting with the Guangdong entrepreneurs and the Zhongshan University EMBA graduates delegation on Saturday, May 28, 2005, from 5-6pm. The meeting is co- organized by National Sun Yat-Sen University Alumni Association and CASB, and will be held at the Golden Bridge Restaurant (old Silver Palace Restaurant), 50-52 Bowery Street, China Town.

There are 12 delegation members from different trades including integration of woods and papermaking, Electronic manufacturing, Leather, Electrical appliance, Catering chaining group, Real estate, Building, Tourism, Transportation, Food Additive, Metal Recovery, Construction Design, and News Report. The list of members of the delegation is included.

This is a great opportunity for you to exchange ideas and cooperation possibilities with the managers of the most active companies in Guangdong province.

After the meeting, there will be a dinner from 6pm to 9pm in the same restaurant with this delegation and the Zhongshan University President Huang Daren and vice presidents Xu
Ningsheng, vice President Yuan Guangmei, and other university leaders. You are most welcome to participate in the dinner; the cost for the dinner is $25 each.

You will have enough time to communicate with the delegation members about the possible cooperation.

If you would like to participate please fill out the registration form, and return it to me by Thursday, May 26. Thanks for your interest. If you would like to give a 5 minutes presentation, please give me a brief abstract, I will try my best to arrange it.

Best regards,

Daxi Li
Chairman, Chinese Association for Science and Business

Registrant Information
Name: _______________________________
E-mail: _______________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Address: ______________________________
Company or Institution: ______________________________
___I will participate in the meeting and dinner (Fee: $25)
___I will participate in the meeting only (Free)
___I would like to give a 5 minute presentation about ___________________


序号 姓名 性别 会职务 公司名称 职务 经营行业
1 邱小伟 会长 中天盈(香港)集团有限公司 董事长 林纸一体化
2 尹向阳 副秘书长 广州金升阳科技有限公司 总经理 电子制造业
3 刘灿勋 常务理事 连锁餐饮业 董事长 连锁餐饮
4 欧吉阳 常务理事 惠州市日升昌置业有限公司 董事长 房地产
5 杨省儒 常务理事 茂名市中意房地产开发公司 董事长 房地产开发
6 陈富荣 常务理事 广州市圣万莉皮具有限公司 董事长 皮革制品
7 黎 发 会员 中山市金利华电器有限公司 总经理 家用电器
8 蔡钢安 会员 广东福华集团有限公司 副总经理 建筑/房地产/旅业/交通运输等
9 许 平 会员 广州强生机械有限公司 董事长 家用电器
10 卢俊青 会员 广州市泰邦食品添加剂有限公司 总经理 食品添加剂
11 张雄文 会员 广东物资集团广东省金属回收公司 经理 金属回收
12 黄运财 会员 东风设计研究院有限公司南方公司 总经理 建筑工程设计业务
13 吴伟光 会员 广东电视台 主任记者 新闻报道

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