



時間: 二零零九年五月十日星期日(母親節)上午十時至下午四時.



地點: 紐約市羅斯福島北端燈塔公園 (Lighthouse Park)


报名方法:请按回复(Reply)告知参加人数 .  或将参加人数电邮 sysuaa@yahoo.com


报名截止日期: 五月六日,星期三。


食物:  請各位自帶.  凡报名者均获校友会提供免费飲水及餐具。



§    高  雯: 516-582-4943

§    祝靜鈿: 347-513-8888, 718-358-0303

§    劉  宏: 646-284-6664



公園內: (1) 野餐 (2) 擊鼓傳花 (3) 跳集體舞 (4) 飛碟, 羽毛球, 釣魚

島內: 開車或步行







F車在"羅斯福島站"(Roosevelt Island Station), 出站後, 在路邊換乘島內紅色巴士(RIOC Bus)"科樂醫院"(Coler Hospital), 巴士車資$0.25.



在曼哈頓中城六十街和第二大道(60th Street and Second Avenue) 交界處, 可使用地鐵卡, 計程地鐵卡單程二美元, 來回四美元, 地鐵月卡可無限次乘坐. 週末每15分鐘一趟車, 周一至周五每7.5分鐘一趟車. 到達"羅斯福島站", 出站後, 在路邊換乘島內紅色巴士(RIOC Bus)"科樂醫院"(Coler Hospital), 巴士車資$0.25. 羅斯福島纜車站在羅斯福島地鐵站以南一個街口.


問訊處(Visitors Center): 就在羅斯福島纜車站站外, 可索取羅斯福島地圖, 詢問問題, 購買紀念品.




(1) Northern Boulevard West or Grand Central --> (Long Island City) 36th Avenue --> Roosevelt Island Bridge,

(2) Queens Boulevard West --> (Sunny Side) turn right into 39th Avenue --> cross Northern Boulevard --> turn left into (Long Island City) 36th Avenue --> Roosevelt Island Bridge

(3) Bear left on the bridge, follow the sign "Island Access,"

(Do not bear right to the island's "Motorgate" where parking fee is more than $10 per hour!! Do not ask them where to park!)

Turn right on Main St, Drive straight to the end, you will see  the small gate of "The Lighthouse Park." on the right.  Park your car on the space nearby, enter the gate, find us, free admission.



(3) 278公路在北方大道(西向), 然後按(1) 路線.

(4) 278公路在皇后大道(西向), 然後按(2) 路線.



(5) Cross George Washington Bridge --> Route 87 South --> Route 278 South, exit at Northern Boulevard, follow (1) above.



(1) 開過36 AVE 橋後, 千萬不要向右轉進收費停車庫(收費很貴).

(2) 開過36 AVE 橋後, 應該向. 然後可看到右道為"Queens Exit", 左道為"Island access". 請進左道 "Island Access", 盤旋而下, 到丁字路口, 右轉, 向北一直開到路盡頭, 路左邊有一舊高樓群, "科樂醫院"(Coler Hospital), 路邊有一空地, 可停車..

(3) 空地前方有三間廁所.

(4) 廁所右邊就是"燈塔公園"(Lighthouse Park).


島內景點 (從北到南):

(18) 燈塔 (Lighthouse, built in 1872, restored by an anonymous donor in 1998)

(17) 燈塔公園 (lighthouse Park)

(16) 科樂醫院 (Coler Hospital)

(15) 八角樓公寓 (Octagon)

(14) 垃圾處理廠和消防站 (AVAC and Firehouse, giant vacuum tubes buried under the streets to suck domestic trash to the island’s compacting station. It is unique around the world!)

(13) 曼哈頓公園 (Manhattan Park)

(12) 停車庫 (MotorGate)

(11) 羅斯福島橋 (Roosevelt Island Bridge)

(10) 北鎮(商業街) (Northtown)

(09) 好牧人教堂 (Chapel of the Good Shepherd)

(08) 布萊克維爾家族豪宅 (Blackwell House)

(07) 南鎮(公寓區) (Southtown)

(06) F車地鐵站 (Subway Station of F Train)

(05) 纜車站 (Tramway [Cable Car] Station)

(04) 金水醫院 (河岸櫻花) (Goldwater Hospital)

(03) 南端公園 (空地) (Southpoint Park, original Elmhurst Hospital, 175 years history)

(02) 斯捷克實驗室原址(現地鐵供電站) (Strecker Laboratory)

(01) 天花醫院原址 (Smallpox Hospital, opened in 1854 to care for New York

smallbox patients which was the first USA contagious diseases hospital.

Later it housed one of the first schools of nursing in the US.


Roosevelt Island has had 6 official names:

The Indians called it "Minnahanock";

Name "Varckens Evlandt " (Hogs Island by the Dutch in 1620);

Name "Manning's Island" after confiscated by the English in 1665;

Name "Blackwell's Island" by John Manning's married stepdaughter;

Name "Welfare Island" in 1921. (NYC purchased it in 1828 and used the island as a site for correctional facilities).

Be christened "Franklin D. Roosevelt Island" in 1970.


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